How can attending a workshop help me?

Family constellations is soul work. In a group setting we create a safe and confidential space which then becomes a healing field. This allows us to look at the harmful beliefs and patterns that we have dragged along with us throughout our lives and sometimes passed on to our children. Working together, using members of the group as representatives, we create a “living map” of the problem, dynamic or situation. Through this lens, simple but hidden truths can be revealed and understood, giving new insight and opportunities for change and movement.

Whilst we each have our own personal history we are also, inevitably, deeply connected with our wider familial, social and cultural history which exerts a strong, and often unacknowledged, influence over us. Secrets, betrayals, war, and many other traumas are part of our history here in Ireland and Family Constellations gives us the opportunity to re examine our fixed ideas and judgements.